An easy and ready-to-use distribution for Android lovers

The Story

mAid ... Why? .. and why this name?
The existence of mAid has a simple reason. I wanted to have something where I were able to point users to when they came with issues on Windows because the most problems around were solvable when using Linux (for my special use cases) ...

The only issue with Linux (even with Ubuntu, Mint and such) is that they do not include everything an Android user needs (out-of-the-box). You still have to issue commands to install and you have to make other adjustments like udev rules etc. Nothing a "normal" Windows user can/want do without guidelining.

That was the main reason why I started mAid.
... but wait I read "FWUL" somewhere. Is "FWUL" the same as "mAid"?

At the time when I started this project everything was branded as "FWUL" (Forget Windows - Use Linux) up to v3.1 .
For v4.0 the whole project has been re-branded to mAid.

Mainly because some users thought it is an offense to Windows - which it wasn't. The idea of the FWUL name was simple: I supported a lot of users in an Android development project and mainly Windows users. The most annoying thing were driver issues as some had Samsung + LG, older and newer ... devices causing a lot of strange things. Everytime I had to let them download the same support tools and install remote sharing which was a PITA when doing it a bunch of times.. so I thought about a simple distribution which comes with everything needed right out-of-the-box ... and forget Windows. Got it? Forget Windows - Use Linux. It was never an offense but it becomes more and annoying to explain this .. and so it comes that I had re-branded everything to mAid:

a maid which helps to [m]anage your [A]ndro[id]! that's all about it :)

Light Weight & Fast

While containing a lot of pre-installed tools mAid tries to keep its size tiny (around 1 GB)

Easy to use

... No driver hassle
... no complicated installations
... remote support tools installed (tmate)
... or installed with a click (teamviewer)
... just download, flash and enjoy

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For everyone

mAid is for Windows Users, Linux Users, MAC Users, BSD Users, Android Users and everyone else. There is no limitation here ;)

For Experts

While mAid claims to be easy to use and being for everyone even advanced users can make use of mAid! Here are some examples:

- No need to prepare your own distro
- Give others (family, noobs, ..) easy support in a known and fix environment!
- mAid comes with tmate pre-installed
- and a simple one-click TeamViewer installer!

More Info
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Overall Downloads


since: 2016-12-28
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SourceForge Downloads


since: 2022-12-07
more then


AndroidFileHost Downloads


since: 2017-01-05
more then


Nightly Downloads


since: 2016-12-28
more then


XDA Downloads


since: 2016-12-28
*XDA removed file sharing in early 2021

Some Impressions


Legacy / BIOS Boot



mAid Installer


(*) FWUL has been re-branded to "mAid" since v4.0